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don’t do what should not be done
无为其所不为,无欲其所不欲,如此而已矣。  detail>>
what should i do
我该怎么办呢 我应该怎样做  detail>>
what should we do
怎么办呢  detail>>
not to do what i have done
不要去做我做的那些  detail>>
what i do or what i’ve done
我已经做过的和准备要做的 我做的和我已经做的 又或者我已经做过的什么  detail>>
got no clue what i should do
没有线索得到我应该做的  detail>>
sought his advice as to what i should do
我征求了他的意见,想知道应该做些什么  detail>>
what would you say i should do
你说我该怎么办  detail>>
we could see what what we should do
我们将能够看到我们应该做的 我们应该看看怎么做  detail>>
then what is to be done
然则如之何而可  detail>>
what is to be done
将如之何 咋办  detail>>
where we could see what we should do
能审视我们应该做什么  detail>>
done do
的过去分词 过去分词  detail>>
it should be done this way
应当这么做  detail>>
should have done
本来可以做。。。(而实际上没有) 本应当做某事  detail>>
should do, should
可以省略  detail>>
know what is done but not why it is done
知其然而不知其所以然 只知其然不知其所以然  detail>>
no matter what is said or done
不论是什麽已成为定局  detail>>